Events at the Latin American Social Center include fund raisers, yearly club events such as the September Fiesta, New Year's, Valentine's and Mothers' Day dances, and weekly Thursday night Bingo to help cover the Center's expenses. Volunteer work by the LASC men, the Ladies' Auxiliary, each year's Fiesta Committee, as well as Club employees such as Cruz Martinez, along with support of DJs Olga and Miguel Torres and the community as a whole have created a successful social and civic organization in Sterling. The Club was inaugurated in 1952, organized by returning WWII veterans and their families. Every year an honorary "Don" and "Doña" preside over the yearly Fiesta Parade and other events, chosen from among the long-time supporters of the organization. At the 50th Anniversary "Don's Fiesta" banquet and dance in 2001, Sterling Mayor Ted Aggen was thanked for his service as "El Don" for the year (the first Anglo to have held that post). Jesse Gonzalez was chosen as "El Don" for 2002, along with "La Doña" Jane Espinosa. FOTOS: Left to right: Don Mayor Aggen is thanked for his year's service, don Jesse Gonzalez is congratulated for being chosen for 2002, the Ladies' Auxiliary show off their "traje mexicana" and Mariachis from Aurora, Illinois entertain guests: VISIT MAYOR AGGEN on CITY PAGE: ci.sterling.il.us/main/mayor_council/aggen.htm An important fund-raising project in Sterling-Rock Falls is the "Twin City Educational Scholarship Fund" that celebrated its 25th anniversary with an awards banquet and evening dance on Saturday, June 22, 2002. In 2002, the group gave out 40 scholarships for colleges and universities to 40 Latino/a students from the area. Rockford's Latino sounds & Tex-Mex band "Cardenas III Generación" played at that event, while community members of all ages danced and socialized: At many dances, including Noche Cultural and the entire Fiesta 1999, modern "Vaquera" dances like "Caballito" are played to the "Techno-Banda" beat of local musicians for everyone's enjoyment:
MORE EVENTS AT LASC ON PAGES: Social Life - Fiesta Days - Folklórico - Quinceañera